Friday, 10 July 2015

Football Goals

After the saga of the "home-made" goal posts last year, it was great to see the new goal posts in use on the common last week for the first.

I gather we all have Jean Galliven to thank for sorting this out and lets home they get many years of use on the common.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Village Picnic / Fun Day 2015

We are planning on having our annual village picnic on the common again this year - Saturday 18 July. Should be dropping leaflets round to everyone in the next few days,

As ever anyone who would be able to help organising things or setting up/clearing up on the day would be greatly appreciated.

More to follow soon ,. . .

North Track

Residents on the North Track across Wheeler End Common have long maintained the track with voluntary contributions; they are currently looking at the options for longer terms solutions to the problems with the track.

Anyone interested should speak to Graham Lucas or go along to a meeting they are having at The Chequers on Tuesday 9 June at 7.30PM

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Old Local Photos

I was recently given a CD with lots of old photos of the area - mostly of Marlow -but this of the Wheeler End cricket team outside The Brickmakers, which was presumably used as a pavilion when cricket was played on the common.

Shame that the common isn't really fit to use for cricket any more.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Easter Do Collage

Quick collage of festivities on Monday - a good time had by all!

(click on the image to see a full size version)

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

Just to say how well that went yesterday - thanks very much to everyone who cae along and made in such a enjoyable day - and all at The Chequers for their help.

Special mention must go to Millie, Lucy and Emma for the printing and face painting - thanks so much for your help - roaring success with the little people (and some of the not so little for that matter.

Hopefully we'll have some photos to share shortly.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Easter Egg Hunt 2015

We're having a kids Easter Egg Hunt again this year - on Easter Monday - 6 April at 11.00AM.

The new landlord at The Chequers has offered use of the pub's front and back garden so we have decided to hold it there - rather than dodging the dog **** on the common.

We'll be serving tea and cakes as well so even if you've grown out of looking for Easter eggs, why not just come along for a cup of tea and a chat.

We're also hoping to have a painting session again after the success last year.