Wednesday 17 September 2014

Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge

A large group of us - The Common People - did The Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge on Sunday to support Rennie Grove Hospice Care. It's an 18 mile walk along The Ridgeway from Princes Risborough to Ivinghoe Beacon taking in Whiteleaf Cross and Ivinghoe Beacon.

It was a brilliant effort all round - 16 people (plus numerous dogs) did the full 18 miles - sore legs on Monday morning!

The Common People are Tom Willett, Emma Willett, Sallie Belton, James Fisher, Julia Phaff, Charlie and Liz France, Fatiha Clark, Nigel and Katherine Joy, Paul Lack, Skye Bampton, William Joy, Olivia Joy, Sam Hill, Frankie Low, Charley Dibley, Momina Hanan and Veronica Checksfield.

Not forgetting Dexter, Daisy, Jasper, Florence, Polly and Crumpet - and you'll be glad to hear that the dogs got medals too for completing the walk.

Thanks very much for all the sponsorship;so far we have raised just over £2,000 for a very important charity.

If you would like to donate we have a Just Giving Page

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Vintage Wheeler End Association Poster

At the picnic on Saturday, Graham brought along this amazing poster for the Wheeler End Association Annual Fete - dating back to 1961.

Might give us some ideas for next year - anyone for "Bowling for Pig" ?

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Summer Picnic - Saturday 21 June

Just a brief note to say we are planning to hold the Wheeler End Village Picnic / Fun Day on Saturday 21 June this year - our very own Summer Solstice.

Hopefully this avoids clashing with any local events, major sporting events, school holidays etc and assuming the weather does better than last year it should be a enjoyable afternoon.

More details in the next few days and we'll be doing a drop of leaflets around the village but please try and come along if you can - the more the merrier.

As ever any volunteers who can help setting things up in the morning and clearing up afterwards would be gratefully appreciated.

Friday 16 May 2014

Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge 2014

Full details of the Chiltern 3 Peaks Challenge are now on the website – click here – this year it's Sunday 14 September from Princes Risborough to Ivinghoe Beacon.

Quite a few people have expressed an interest – looks like we should have 10 or 15 people making up a team. Why not join us – and remember you don’t have to walk the full 18 miles – there are options to do 5 or 9 miles.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Easter Monday - Thanks All

Well we timed it perfectly for the weather - more by luck than judgement - and got a really good turn out.

Just to say thanks very much to everyone who helped/collected eggs/contributed/socialised/cleared up etc

Special thanks to Emma for organising the kids artwork session - makes a change from just chocolate - we have got them photos which we will post on here soon.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Hope we can get a good turnout tomorrow for the Easter Egg hunt on the common tomorrow morning  - just checked the weather forecast for Monday morning and it looks quite decent - certainly a lot better than last year.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Chilterns 3 Peaks Charity Walk

A couple of years back a small group of us did the Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge to raise money for Rennie Grove Hospice Care - it proved a great day out and we raised about £1,000 for a very good cause.

This year the walk is on Sunday 14 September and we are hoping to get a decent group together - go on, give it a go - I hadn't walked 18 miles since I was at school and other than sore legs the next day it was most enjoyable.

Pencil the date in your diary and watch this space.