Saturday 6 July 2013

"Common People" Photos

Have a look at the photos in the Photo Gallery tab - a great set of pictures taken by Doug Ward who also provided all the music on the day.

Doug Ward Photography & Design
Phone - 07710 341742
Email -

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Big Day Out!

Well we just about got away with
it on Saturday - after some heavy
showers it all turned out well from
3.30PM onwards and with a serious
dose of village spirit (not to mention
brollies and towels) a good time was
had by all. Thanks to all who helped/contributed/attended etc
and made it such an enjoyable afternoon.

Special thanks to Doug for yet again doing
such a grand job with the music.

Highlight of the day has to be brave
Sir Nigel (and his trusty metal detector)
for finding Gerda's lost wedding ring
on the common - one to go down in the
history books there.

If anyone's got any photos from the day,
let me know and we can put them up here.

Friday 26 April 2013

Big Day Out - Village Picnic

Following the success of the Jubilee party last year, we are organising another event on the common this year - same principal, just as much fun - though without the Union Jack bunting and national anthem.

Plans are coming along for our "Big Day Out" on Saturday 15 June - from 1.00PM to 7.00PM

We'll be distributing leaflets in the next week or two but the basic plans are for a village picnic on the common from 1.00PM plus
  • Bouncy castle all afternoon
  • Various game after the picnic - softball/rounders, tug-of-war, golf chipping etc
  • The legendary wheelbarrow racing
  • Music
  • Raffle
If anyone else wants to get involved or has any other ideas please get in touch - drop me an email or call me on 07879 841474 / 01494 882221

Sunday 31 March 2013

Guess How Many Eggs In The Jar

At the Easter Egg hunt we are having a little " Guess How many Eggs In The Jar" competition so come along, brave the elements and even if you have grown out of hunting for eggs, come along for a cup of tea and a cake.

If you can't make it, send us a message anyway with you guess and see if you can win a jar of Easter eggs.

Hope to see you there on Monday.

Happy Easter.

UPDATE - Just to say the winner was Max - and there were 138 eggs in total

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Inspired by that brief moment of sunshine yesterday, we are going to start planning the Easter Egg Hunt on The Common - hopefully we'll fare better than last year when we had to be postpone for a week.

So any offers of help, cakes etc gratefully appreciated as ever . . .

More to follow