Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Chequer's Golf Day

Another Chequer's Golf Day has been arranged for Friday 29th June

Venue Badgemore golf Club at Henley, cost is £30 including coffee and bacon sandwiches beforehand - plan is to then have drinks and dinner at The Chequers

To book speak to Dave at the pub

Friday, 8 June 2012

What A Great Day!

Well despite the dreadful weather most of the weekend, we got away with it; our Jubilee picnic went really well and all the feedback we have had has been very positive. It was brilliant to see so many people come out - general opinion is that we had well over 200 people in all.

Special mention must go to Keith, George and Henry for their efforts with the Balloon Race - they did 400 balloons in the end - and after all the expenses prizes will be £200 (£100 / £60 / £40) - watch this space.

Also many thanks to Sue Griffin for all her efforts with the food and her splendid Jubilee cake.