Thursday, 11 August 2011

Summer Fun Day

The Summer Fun Day & Village Picnic will be held on Saturday 10 September - plans are being made and further details very soon - watch this space

You can download a flyer about the fun day here

See you there

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Association Officers

The Association requires 4 officers - current situation is as follows:

Chairman - Shaun Andrews
Vice-Chairman - Tom Willett
Secretary - Caroline Hodson (temporary)
Treasurer - TBC

So we need a permanent Secretary and a Treasurer - if you would like to get involved or find out a bit more, please get in touch

New Committee

At the meeting on Monday evening, a new committee was appointed to run the Wheeler End Association; Shaun Andrews remains as Chairman (someone's got to know what they are doing) - the new members of the committee are as follows:

Roger Blanshard
Deborah Bourne
Fatiha Clark
Richard Clark
Sue Griffin
Katy Hensher
Mark Hensher
Caroline Hodson
Daisy Johnson
Millie Joy
Nigel Joy
Graham Lucas
Steve Munslow
Tom Willett

I am sure everyone would like to join me in thanking Ian, Paul and all the other previous members of the WEA for their efforts over the years and rest assured going forward with the association.