Thursday, 30 June 2011

It's Not A Joke

I realise that you all laughed when I suggested that the Wheeler End Association should have a website - its not rocket science - this very basic setup has taken about 5 minutes

All Welcome

We would like to see as many local residents as possible at the meeting on 11 July - after all this is a "community association" so come on and join us - or at the very least come for a beer.

All postitive suggestions welcomed - negativity is outlawed!

The Future Of The Association

The Wheeler End Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting at The Chequers on the evening of Monday 27 June; the mains points of issue were as follows:
  • Does the Wheeler End Association have a future?
  • If so, what shape will that future take?
  • Who wants to take over from the existing committee?
The meeting was attended by about 25 people and it was clear that whilst the current committee wanted to move on, there was sufficient support to justify making an effort to keep the Wheeler End Association going.

To that end a second meeting has been arranged for Monday 11 July at The Chequers at 8.00PM where we can discuss how the association will move forward and more importantly who will be on the new committee.