Thursday, 15 December 2011

Festive Greetings

For one reason or another our plans to have a Christmas Do never really got off the ground (note to self - plan it earlier next year!!) - hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We've got some ideas planned for next year including and Easter Egg Hunt, cricket match on the common, perhaps something for the Jubilee and/or Olympics and some sort of Guy Fawkes party - roll on 2012.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Halloween Party

The Halloween Party was a great success -  we had about 25 children plus lots of parents - many thanks to all involved for a great efforts and generous donations - I thought there was a really good spirit there.

Christmas party next then . . .

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Second Coffee & Book Afternoon

The second Coffee Afternoon & Book Exchange will be on Saturday 12 November at The Scout Hall from 3.00PM to 5.00PM

Come along for a chat, meet your neighbours, exchange any un-wanted book and have a cup of coffee and a slice of cake

Need any info or want to help - call Fatiha Clark on 01494 881513

Chequers Golf Day

The Chequers Golf Day last Friday was a resounding success - 25 of us played at Weston Turville Golf Club - an excellent day (which is more than can be said for some of the golf) followed by a very good meal at The Chequers and an enjoyable evening.

Many thanks to Dave and Terry for organising it and hopefully there will be another one soon.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Halloween Party - Sunday 30 October

Plans are well under way for a Wheeler End Halloween Party for local children - to be held at The Scout Hall on Sunday 30th October from 4.00-6.00PM - all welcome

Games including Wrap the Mummy, Pin the Teeth on Dracula and Apple Bobbing
Halloween Tea
Kids Halloween Disco
Pumpkin, Fancy Dress and Scary Cakes competitions
Halloween Pinata

We need to charge £2 per child to cover costs

RSVP to Tom Willett on 01494 882221 / 07879 841474 so we can plan numbers

You can download an invitation here

Coffee Afternoon & Book Exchange

Fatiha has organised the first of what will hopefully become a regular monthly thing - Saturday 8 October at The Scout Hall from 3.00PM to 5.00PM

Come along for a chat, meet your neighbours, exchange any un-wanted book and have a cup of coffee and a slice of cake

Need any info or want to help - call Fatiha Clark on 01494 881513

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A Good Time Had By All

The Summer Fun Day proved a popular event - the 50 or 60 hardy souls who braved the elements were rewarded with a bit of sun and blue sky in the middle of the afternoon

Thanks very much to all who came and all who helped make it an enjoyable afternoon

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Summer Fun Day - 10 September

Bouncy Castle from 2.00PM to 6.00PM
Dog Agility Contest at 3.00PM
Outdoor games all afternoon including Garden Jenga, Boules, Wellie Wanging, Golf Chipping Competition, Egg Throwing etc
Toy/Book/DVD Stall – Buy, Swap or Exchange
Tea and Cakes

We will have to make a small charge for the Bouncy Castle to cover rental/insurance

Any offers of help (either setting up or on the afternoon) would be gratefully appreciated

If you have any items for the stall please contact Caroline Hodson

If you are able to contribute anything for the cake stall please contact Sylvia Andrews

We really hope to see as many of you as possible on Saturday – hopefully an opportunity for neighbours to meet from all round the common and enjoy the last gasp of summer - fell free to invite your friends (even if they don’t live in Wheeler End!) and as long as the weather is kind to us it should be a great afternoon

Any queries please contact

Tom Willett – 01494 882221 / 07879 841474
Caroline Hodson – 01494 881557
Shaun & Sylvia Andrews – 01494 882034

See you on Saturday

Chequers Golf Day

Golf day planned on Friday 14 October at Weston Turville Golf Club - 12.00PM onwards

For further details see Dave the new landlord at The Chequers

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Summer Fun Day

The Summer Fun Day & Village Picnic will be held on Saturday 10 September - plans are being made and further details very soon - watch this space

You can download a flyer about the fun day here

See you there

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Association Officers

The Association requires 4 officers - current situation is as follows:

Chairman - Shaun Andrews
Vice-Chairman - Tom Willett
Secretary - Caroline Hodson (temporary)
Treasurer - TBC

So we need a permanent Secretary and a Treasurer - if you would like to get involved or find out a bit more, please get in touch

New Committee

At the meeting on Monday evening, a new committee was appointed to run the Wheeler End Association; Shaun Andrews remains as Chairman (someone's got to know what they are doing) - the new members of the committee are as follows:

Roger Blanshard
Deborah Bourne
Fatiha Clark
Richard Clark
Sue Griffin
Katy Hensher
Mark Hensher
Caroline Hodson
Daisy Johnson
Millie Joy
Nigel Joy
Graham Lucas
Steve Munslow
Tom Willett

I am sure everyone would like to join me in thanking Ian, Paul and all the other previous members of the WEA for their efforts over the years and rest assured going forward with the association.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Comments / Feedback Please

I'd be interested to hear what people think - is this worthwhile moving forward and would you make us of it - please ignore the content as this is just a dummy run

All feedback welcome

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Wheeler End Common In The Snow

A view taken towards the west side of the common during
the heavy snow we had in December 2009

Click to enlarge

Photo Tom Willett

Test "Follow by Email"

This post is to test the "Follow by Email" - if it works you can subscribe and receive an email of any new posts or comment to the site - and if there is nothing new, then no email.

The good news is it works - so stick your email address in the box the right hand side and you'll receive regular email notifications of any new entries or comments on the site.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Wheeler End Questionnaire

Please don't be surprised if you get a knock on the door from one of us next week.

We are carrying pout a quick straw poll of (hopefully) all residents about the direction of the association, whether you would like to be involved, if so in what capacity and what type of events you would be interested in.

It will only take a few minutes - and we promise no hard sell.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Very Positive Meeting

A second meeting was held at The Chequers last night - well attended once again - and it proved to be a very positive affair.

Thanks to Ian West and Paul Williams for overseeing affairs and ensuring fair play; we now have a group of around 10 people who want to form the new association committee and at the next meeting the associations officers will be decided - Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary etc

To summarise the main points agreed
  • A new committee will be finalised at the next meeting
  • The focus of the association is squarely to arrange events for the community
  • The fireworks display will not be held this year - but hopefully to come back bigger and better next year
  • Family fun day to be organised for 11 September
  • Results for Fathia's survey very promising - and to be completed and collated for the next meeting - thanks Millie!
  • A provisonal calendar of events to be organised with appropriate people taking responsability for different events
  • The Scout Building is readily available to use at weekend (and only costs £10!)
  • Email addresses of all present collected to make communication between the group easier

Thursday, 30 June 2011

It's Not A Joke

I realise that you all laughed when I suggested that the Wheeler End Association should have a website - its not rocket science - this very basic setup has taken about 5 minutes

All Welcome

We would like to see as many local residents as possible at the meeting on 11 July - after all this is a "community association" so come on and join us - or at the very least come for a beer.

All postitive suggestions welcomed - negativity is outlawed!

The Future Of The Association

The Wheeler End Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting at The Chequers on the evening of Monday 27 June; the mains points of issue were as follows:
  • Does the Wheeler End Association have a future?
  • If so, what shape will that future take?
  • Who wants to take over from the existing committee?
The meeting was attended by about 25 people and it was clear that whilst the current committee wanted to move on, there was sufficient support to justify making an effort to keep the Wheeler End Association going.

To that end a second meeting has been arranged for Monday 11 July at The Chequers at 8.00PM where we can discuss how the association will move forward and more importantly who will be on the new committee.