Saturday 23 April 2016

Chequers Golf Day Jacket

So in the spirit of Augusta's famous green jacket - as won by my namesake last week (no relation, you can tell from my golf swing) - we have decided we should have our very own check jacket for the winner of The Chequers golf day.

It's amazing the quality you can find in charity shops these days - we'll just have to hope the winner can fit in a 40" chest jacket.

Spare a thought for whoever comes last - they get a Jimmy Tarbuck golfing nightmares video.

Friday 1 April 2016

Facebook Page

The Wheeler End Association is finally moving into the 21st century (albeit rather slowly)

I have set up a Facebook page - you can visit using the link below - please join the group and keep up to date with what's going on.

Wheeler End Association Facebook Page

Thursday 31 March 2016

Chequers Golf Day

The Chequers Golf Day is being held at Badgemore Park, Henley on Friday 29 April.

We have tee time booked between 11AM and 12 Noon - price will be £30 with coffee and bacon rolls beforehand. If everyone chips in a couple of quid extra we can then also arrange some silly prizes.

All welcome - speak to Tom or Charlie for further details - or sign up at the pub.

Depending on the situation with food at the pub we hope to arrange a meal afterwards - watch this space.

Easter Egg Hunt

We just about managed to dodge Storm Katie and the Easter Egg Hunt at The Chequers was a great success - it wasn't looking too clever first thing on Monday but by 11AM the weather had improved.

Thanks to all who came along - hope you all enjoyed yourselves - and as ever thanks for the lovely cakes people brought along.

Same time next year then!

Saturday 12 March 2016

Easter Egg Hunt 2016

We are holding the Easter Egg Hunt this nyear on Easter Monday, 28 March at The Chequers at 11AM.

Even though Easter is early this year, hopefully the weather will be as kind to us as last year.

All welcome as ever - the more the merrier - even if you have grown out of hunting for eggs. Come along for a chat and some tea/coffee or perhaps something stronger (it is a pub after all).

As ever any offers of help, cake making etc are always welcome.

Please can we say no unaccompanied kids.

We prefer not to charge but please make a donation on the day towards the cost of this and future events.

Friday 10 July 2015

Football Goals

After the saga of the "home-made" goal posts last year, it was great to see the new goal posts in use on the common last week for the first.

I gather we all have Jean Galliven to thank for sorting this out and lets home they get many years of use on the common.

Friday 5 June 2015

Village Picnic / Fun Day 2015

We are planning on having our annual village picnic on the common again this year - Saturday 18 July. Should be dropping leaflets round to everyone in the next few days,

As ever anyone who would be able to help organising things or setting up/clearing up on the day would be greatly appreciated.

More to follow soon ,. . .

North Track

Residents on the North Track across Wheeler End Common have long maintained the track with voluntary contributions; they are currently looking at the options for longer terms solutions to the problems with the track.

Anyone interested should speak to Graham Lucas or go along to a meeting they are having at The Chequers on Tuesday 9 June at 7.30PM

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Old Local Photos

I was recently given a CD with lots of old photos of the area - mostly of Marlow -but this of the Wheeler End cricket team outside The Brickmakers, which was presumably used as a pavilion when cricket was played on the common.

Shame that the common isn't really fit to use for cricket any more.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Easter Do Collage

Quick collage of festivities on Monday - a good time had by all!

(click on the image to see a full size version)